Red Caffeine True Hollywood Brand Story

Starting up or starting over is an exciting but nerve-racking time. In November 2013, we launched Red Caffeine, our new business, which I jokingly refer to as a ten-year-old start up. Among the top priorities for the start up of any business is launching your new or renewed brand into the marketplace. In our case, we were starting over and there were both positive and negative emotions tied to moving away from our old brand. We were certainly concerned about how much brand equity would be lost with the change, but ultimately, we were real

By |2024-05-17T10:51:00+00:00January 16, 2018|RedTalks-Blog|0 Comments

Why Your Growth Goals Need a Company Growth Engine to Succeed

Trying to be all things to all markets dilutes your offering. Determine what your business does best and build your market focus around that strength. Begin collecting data on what makes your company and customers succeed.

By |2025-02-04T17:36:23+00:00August 24, 2017|RedTalks-Blog|0 Comments

What’s In Your ‘Stack?’ It’s Not Just MarTech Driving Business Today

The good news is with the increased ease of integrating platforms, Accounting, human resources and ERP software could be connected to your marketing software. At the very least, marketers and business leaders should be aware of the technology systems outside of MarTech and consider what data and processes could aid their business growth strategy.

By |2024-04-30T17:04:29+00:00June 12, 2017|RedTalks-Blog|0 Comments
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