The Experts You Need
For the Growth You Want

Kayla Portillo

VP of Integrated Marketing

I love taking big, complex ideas, connecting all the dots, and turning them into high-impact campaigns to help clients achieve their business goals. I geek out on finding the right channels, tactics, and assets to connect with target audiences, and then diving deep into campaign KPIs to continuously optimize.

Super Powers

Connecting dots, translating big ideas into actionable plans.

Industry Experience

Higher Education, Manufacturing, Government / Municipal, Construction and Engineering, SaaS, DaaS

Street Cred

20+ years of experience in marketing

10 years working for boutique digital marketing agencies

B2B, B2B2B, B2B2C

HubSpot certified

Have managed multi-year integrated campaign plans for 10+ companies, from small start-ups to enterprise industry leaders.

Helped multiple companies meet their annual revenue and MQL targets ahead of schedule and within budget.


I read voraciously and love working on craft projects with my three school-aged kids. I also love exploring the Chicago suburbs and hiking in our local forest preserves.

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