Each new product launch, geographic expansion, merger, acquisition, rebrand, and milestone anniversary offers an opportunity to capitalize on a temporary window of time.

Group of people in office attire in a conference room, wearing party hats, having champagne and cake

If you have a milestone anniversary on the horizon, here are a few questions to consider in advance.

What is our timeline:

  • When should we begin discussing our next anniversary internally, with an agency, and externally?
  • Is it a one-time event or a year-long campaign?

What are our objectives:

  • Do we view this anniversary as an event, a new logo, or a strategic opportunity to shape how our industry, customers, employees, and community see our company?
  • Are we looking back or looking forward as our focus?
  • How much of our own time are we willing to commit to anniversary planning and execution throughout the year?

Who is our target audience:

  • Do we view this anniversary as an event, a new logo, or a strategic opportunity to shape how our industry, customers, employees, and community see our company?
  • Are we looking back or looking forward as our focus?
  • How much of our own time are we willing to commit to anniversary planning and execution throughout the year?

Where are our areas of opportunity?

  • Which assets do we want to create, and which existing assets should we update to reflect the anniversary?
  • Are we the same company we were five, 10, 20, or more years ago?
  • How are our customers’ needs different today?
  • How has our industry evolved?

When companies approach a historic milestone, leaders must decide how they will recognize
the occasion. Each milestone is significant in its own way. Red Caffeine helps companies
think strategically about how to make the most of these opportunities. Stay tuned for more on this topic!

Do you have a milestone anniversary coming up? Connect with a growth consultant to explore how to capitalize on this event.
Email Dayna@redcaffeine.com to start a conversation today.

Bill Skowronski

Content Director

Meet The Author

I’m a staunch defender of intentional strategy, return on improvement and outcomes over outputs as a model for better marketing, rather than more of the same. As a former journalist and a student of Philosophy, I’m a question asker and a deep thinker. That’s why I know what content moves people from awareness to action—and I’m not afraid to use it.

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